

2017-12-26 15:19:00 来源: 中华网


Game of Thrones isn't coming back into our lives until 2019 (which is just...ugh), but judging from Sophie Turner's description of the finale episode table read—which she says was a "shock to the system"—it'll be worth the wait.

《权力的游戏》到2019年之前不会回归,但是根据Sophie Turner最后一集对台词的描述,她说将会有“系统震撼”(电影术语)----意思是说就是值得等待。


"At the end of the very last script, they read aloud, 'End of Game of Thrones,'" she toldThe Hollywood Reporter. "As soon as they read that out, pretty much everyone burst into tears. There was a standing ovation for [showrunners David Benioff and Dan Weiss]. We were all clapping and cheering. It was amazing."

在剧本的最后一处,他们大念:“《权利的游戏》全剧终。”在接受Hollywood Report采访时她这样说道。在他们读到此处之时,几乎所有人的都潸然泪下,并且为该剧的导演David Benioff和Dan Weiss长时间的起立鼓掌。我们都用力鼓掌欢呼。这是让人心潮澎湃的时刻。

Turner continued, "We actually realized, reading that 'End of Game of Thrones' line, that that was it. When you're in it, you don't really see an end point. It's just an ongoing thing you're living with. It was a real shock. It was really sad, but there was an immense amount of pride, too."
